The New Dawn of Indigenous People / El Nuevo Amanecer
The new era is known as the New Dawn of Indigenous Peoples. This is an era that was prophesized by the last speaker of the Mexika people. In 1521, Cuauhtémoc addressed his people with the following presage:
La nueva era se conoce como el Nuevo Amanecer de los Pueblos y Naciones Originarias. Esta es una era que fue profetizada por el último vocero del pueblo Mexika. En 1521, Cuauhtémoc se dirigió a su gente con el siguiente presagio:
To tonal ye omotlatiuh
Our Sun has hidden
Nuestro Sol se ha ocultado
To tonal ye omoixpoliuh
Our Sun has hidden his face from us
Nuestro Sol ha ocultado su cara de nosotros
Iuan zentlayouayan otechkateh
And in complete darkness he has left us
Y nos ha dejado en completa obscuridad
Machtikmatihman okzepa uallaz
But we know that he will be back again
Pero sabemos que regresará
Man Okzepa kizakiz
That he will return again
Que volverá de nuevo
Iuan Yankuiyotika techtlauilikeh
And once again he will shine on us
Y nuevamente brillará sobre nosotros
According to the information carved on the Stone of the Suns (Piedra del Sol ), the closing of the old cycle happened upon the completion of the Fifth Sun during 2012 on two dates Nahui Ollin two-hundred and sixty days apart: March 26 and December 11, when Venus provoked eclipses due to its proximity to the Moon. Venus also eclipsed the Sun on June 5, 2012.
The Sixth Sun started started when Venus, in a purified state, was ready to rise from the waters in the West on May 3, 2013, which is what the Maya marked as closing of the 13 Bak’tun cycle and the ritual entering of a thirteen year period into the 14 Bak’tun cycle.
This long-foreseen time is known as the New Dawn of Indigenous Peoples because it connects us to Creation of Time-Space on a cosmological, spiritual and ecological level.